Probably no one wants to say goodbye to youth and beauty. Fortunately, plastic surgeons are ready to argue with time: with their help, patients can "stop" the aging process, preserve youth and at the same time originality. But is it possible to trust someone with your face without fear? How to choose a good clinic and a competent specialist among the many attractive offers?
What is a facelift for?
With age, the appearance and contour of the face change due to natural physiological processes. There are many reasons for this: hormonal imbalances, slowdown in metabolic processes, decreased collagen production, changes in the composition of bone tissue, loss of fat packets in some places and its appearance elsewhere, where it is located. unwanted, and so on. As a result, facial tissue loses its volume and elasticity, the skin becomes soft and loose.
No matter how good care, effective folk methods and cosmetic procedures are used, time will take: all these funds can only affect the surface layer of the skin. Although it turns out to delay the appearance of superficial wrinkles for a long time, then it is impossible to stop or completely reverse the processes occurring in the deep tissues with the help of all the above.
On a noteThe advent of modern techniques has allowed surgical tightening services to once again strengthen their position. According to the International Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), today our country is in the top 15 countries of the world in terms of the number of plastic surgeries performed. In 2017, the local plastic surgery market reached a record turnover over the past five years, up more than 30%. Demand for aesthetic medicine continues to increase. The third most popular among all types of plastic surgery is the facelift.
Astestimonyfor facelifts, ptosis is the first to appear. This is the prolapse of the soft tissues of the face due to the gradual loss of elasticity and tone of the skin, the deterioration of muscle contractility. Ptosis can dominate certain parts of the face:
- in the lower third of the face- ptosis (drooping) of the tissues of the neck and chin against the background of relaxation and increase in skin area. This leads to the formation of wrinkles and folds on the neck and the smoothness of the chin-cervical corners clear;
- in the middle third of the face- nasolabial folds, nasolacrimal grooves, bags under the eyes and sagging cheeks, distorting the oval of the face;
- in the upper third of the face- wrinkles on the forehead, drooping outer edges of the eyebrows and corners of the eyes, drooping eyelids, the formation of horizontal wrinkles on the trunk of the nose.
These age-related signs of tissue aging can be compensated by using a variety of facial plastic surgery techniques and professional cosmetology. However, when it comes to surgical intervention, it is important not to forget about the other side of the coin - contraindications.
- malignant neoplasm;
- blood clotting violations;
- epilepsy and severe psychosomatic illness;
- untreated hypertension;
- diseases of internal organs;
- dermatological diseases;
- chronic diseases in the stage of exacerbation;
- pregnancy;
- inflammatory and infectious processes.
On a note
Aging, although not very pleasant, is a natural process in which the natural anthropometric proportions of the face should be preserved, despite the fact that this is accompanied by the appearance of gravitational ptosis, i. e. physiological loss of tissue volume and formation of skin folds and wrinkles. Therefore, from the beginning of the tissue degenerative process, it is better to choose a more subtle method of exposure that does not give a significant effect on the "tuned" face.
Aesthetic and reconstructive surgery, of course, has gone a long way in its development and the possibilities are now great. However, you must be aware that after plastic surgery there is a possibility of complications - surgeons are very aware of this and know how to minimize side effects. But some complications can be protracted and even dangerous, which is why it is so important to choose a plastic surgeon with extensive experience and a perfect reputation.
Here is an overview of the most popular face lifting methods at the moment - this will allow you to get an idea of †‹вЂ‹ the "weapons" of modern clinics of aesthetic and cosmetological surgery.
Types of braces
Today, plastic surgeons are able to perform facelift procedures for every taste, as the possibilities of modern medicine allow it. Each technique has its own adherents both among physicians and among patients. Let’s take a closer look at how these techniques differ.
Facelift surgery method
This technique allows you to work on the tissues in the face, so that it can have a lasting effect. The most popular and effective are endoscopic facelifts and SMAS -lifting - they are aimed at a comprehensive solution to age -related problems. With their help, redistribution of facial soft tissues and skin tightening is performed.
Round facelift (complex face and neck correction) -a combined method of surgical rejuvenation, which includes the possibility of several techniques.
- Guidance: loss of tissue volume, "floating" contours, large amounts of excessive loose tissue, deep wrinkles and other age -related changes.
- Contraindications: cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, nervous and other systems, as well as liver and kidney, hematology and skin pathology, inflammatory and infectious processes, pregnancy and lactation - to identify contraindications, it is necessary to conduct laboratory and instrumental studies, consult withsome experts. . .
- injuries: height. This is a full operation, therefore, when choosing this technique, you need to be aware of the severity of the upcoming intervention.
- Running: By lifting a round scalpel, a long incision is made, followed by deep tissue modeling, transposition of the fat bag and excision of the excess skin. The operation was performed under general anesthesia. After that, it is necessary to stay in the hospital (up to two days) and the recovery period of at least one month.
- The result- the most noticeable and durable, when compared to all other techniques. Possible complications are scarring, damage to the facial nerve and its branches, and extensive hematoma.
- benefit: the most effective procedure for a facelift with an excessive amount of tissue, the ability to correct deficiencies that other methods can not overcome.
- Minus: high trauma, relatively serious risk of complications, long recovery period.
Endoscopic facelift -types of progressive surgical interventions for profound correction of age -related changes using video endoscopic equipment. As you understand, this method uses an endoscope with a video camera a few millimeters in size, which sends the magnified image many times to the monitor. So the doctor can clearly see the work area with the nerve bundles and channels located in it. Endoscopic face and neck lifts were performed under general anesthesia. Variety is endoscopic removal of the upper, middle or lower third of the face - each operation is used depending on which part of the face problem needs to be addressed. It is possible to work with separate zones, and to combine several types of interventions. With an endoscopic facelift, blood vessels are slightly injured and full control over surgery is available, and if all rules and recommendations are followed, the risk of serious complications can be ruled out. Tissue swelling, small bruises and temporary hair loss in the intervention area are possible, but over time, the tissue is fully restored.
- Guidance: deep wrinkles and folds, due to sagging soft tissue, lack of tissue volume due to age -related changes, drooping eyelids, drooping eyebrows and other aesthetic problems.
- Contraindications: oncology, severe chronic diseases in the acute stage, inflammatory skin diseases, infections, skin clotting disorders, pregnancy and lactation.
- injuries: simple. This equipment makes it possible to remove large slices and control the location of blood vessels and nerves.
- Perform the procedure: under general anesthesia, small incisions are made (up to 1. 5 cm), then detachment in the facial mask is performed and tissue manipulation is performed under the control of video endoscopic equipment: surgery, muscle tension and fixation and fat pack. In the end, cosmetic stitches are used. The sutures are removed within five to seven days, and the patient can return to a normal lifestyle within two to three weeks.
- The result: patients look 10-15 years younger and do not lose their natural personality - the skin is smoothed, the volume is replenished, but the natural symmetry is preserved. The duration of the effect depends on individual characteristics, the presence of bad habits and behavioral stereotypes, but in general, the results can last up to 20 years. If we talk about the possible negative consequences, then everything is limited to small swelling and bruises.
- Extrahigh safety and low level of trauma, the possibility of complete control with a video camera, the absence of visible surgical effects, a clear rejuvenating effect.
- Minus: in the initial recovery period, the effect of overcorrection is observed, this technique is less suitable for patients with very large skin excess.
SMAS lifted- an effective method of surgical tightening with modeling of the muscle-aponeurotic layer. Most foreign plastic surgeons believe that the aging process of the middle and third parts of the lower part of the face is mainly associated with this layer.
- Guidance: signs of aging in the form of sagging and loss of skin elasticity, wrinkles, unclear facial contours.
- Contraindications: oncology, chronic diseases in the acute stage, blood clotting disorders, pregnancy.
- Perform the procedure: during surgery, after excess isolation, the skin is tightened, muscle tissue is mobilized and repaired. The operation takes several hours, after which a recovery period is required, which takes about a month.
- The resultcontinuous, lasting up to eight years, but not as noticeable as endoscopic ablation. Possible complications include nerve damage, hematomas, and edema.
- benefitmethod: significant lifting effect, removal of excess skin.
- Minus: risk of complications, the presence of scars around the auricle (in front of and behind the ear).
Tightens the skin without surgery
These are a group of techniques, the use of which allows you to get a lifting effect without significant damage to the skin. Such an approach has gained its popularity because of the possibility of performing a facelift procedure without surgery, i. e. in a gentler way with a minimal recovery period. Unfortunately, this definitely affects the severity and duration of its effects.
Hardware cosmetologyincluding techniques using ultrasound, radio waves or the effects of laser lifting on tissue without violating its integrity.
- Guidance: wrinkles, loss of skin firmness and clear contours.
- Contraindications: oncology, chronic diseases, inflammatory skin diseases, pregnancy.
- injuries: absent or almost absent.
- Running: during the procedure, the effect on the problem area with special equipment is performed, In this case, there is no need to use general anesthesia and during a long recovery period. Patients can immediately return to their business, it is only necessary to follow the doctor's recommendations. With some procedures, only a few sessions are sufficient, while others require a course of procedures.
- The result: restores firmness and turgor, smoothes wrinkles, stimulates the natural production of collagen and elastin. The results are less lasting than after surgical tightening, and are highly dependent on the patient’s body characteristics and directly on the specifics of the chosen technique. The effects usually last for two to three years.
- benefit- visible effects without trauma, the absence of painful sensations and the need for long -term recovery, tightening the skin.
- Minus- inability to eliminate many of the stated problems of aging, less noticeable and lasting results, the need to repeat the course.
Injection -the introduction of fillers based on hyaluronic acid, collagen or botulinum toxin to combat age -related changes.
- Guidance: wrinkles, lack of volume.
- Contraindications: severe chronic diseases in the stage of exacerbation, skin diseases, violations of skin integrity, blood clotting disorders, individual drug intolerance, pregnancy and lactation.
- injuries: The contour plasty procedure is considered less traumatic, but there is a risk of damage to blood vessels and nerves with needles.
- Running: The procedure usually takes less than an hour to complete. Only application anesthesia can be used, after which the drug is injected into the problem area with a needle or cannula. With the help of fillers, you can eliminate the nasolacrimal groove, nasolabial folds, correct the lack of volume in the middle and lower third of the face. Botulinum toxin is injected only into the muscle - to relieve hypertonicity and then smooth out wrinkles. Also in this way it is quite possible to "raise" the lowered mouth angle. After the procedure, the patient can return to normal business and do so, according to the doctor’s recommendation.
- The result: the procedure allows to increase the volume and eliminate wrinkles, but the result depends on the characteristics of the patient's body and the choice of medication. The effect can last for three-six months to a year or one and a half years.
- benefit: low trauma, ability to correct results if it turns out to be unsatisfactory, does not require rehabilitation and use of general anesthesia.
- Minus: short -term results, the need for repetition, visual elimination of only superficial imperfections.
The cost of facial rejuvenation procedures: can not you buy ageless?
When choosing a clinic, keep in mind the famous phrase: "You get what you pay for. " Any type of facelift is a procedure that requires modern equipment, high-quality medications and anesthesia, provides patients with special accommodation conditions, andmost importantly, the highly qualified surgeon. If the price of such a service is doubtfully low, this means that some of these points (or all at once) are not respected, and perhaps the clinic does not have a direct license. But the beauty and health of facial skin is not something you can save. People know a huge number of stories about patients who, once decided to save money, then had to spend larger amounts not only to correct the consequences of unsuccessful surgery on the aesthetic side, but also to restore their health.
On average, prices for a deep surgical facelift of two facial areas start from a fairly impressive amount; if it is necessary to perform more serious manipulations with a combination of techniques, you need to spend more. The exact cost can be found only at consultation, because the scope of the intervention depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. We’re talking about age, skin quality, amount of unwanted tissue, type of facial structure, as well as the person’s own wishes, and more.
SMAS facelift (ultrasonic) hardware is not too cheap, the price is greatly influenced by the number of lines. The cost of contouring with fillers depends on the drug and the amount of administration required.
The technology that allows the restoration of youth is constantly being improved, further expanding the possibilities of modern aesthetic medicine. Today, plastic surgeons are able to eliminate almost all manifestations of age -related changes, and after the introduction of endoscopic technology, it also became possible to minimize the trauma of surgery. So the use of modern equipment, an individual approach and the use of sophisticated techniques are all that can be expected by people who want to look fresh.
Where can I Go for the Procedure?
Recommendations for choosing an aesthetic and specialist medical center are given by plastic surgeons:
"Since plastic surgery and cosmetology gained widespread popularity, a large number of specialized clinics have emerged on the market. Unfortunately, some of these institutions do not meet high standards for the provision of medical services and employ irresponsible specialists. Such clinics are not only uninterested in successfully settling. patient problems, but also lack the necessary resources for high -quality work.
To find a high -class doctor and a comfortable clinic, it is necessary to study as much as possible information about the specialist and the institution itself. First of all, do not hesitate to ask for a license for the right to carry out medical activities, a certificate, a doctor's diploma. . . Moreover, all of these documents must be publicly available on this website. It is necessary that the license reflects compliance with the requirements of the Procedure for the provision of medical care in the profile of "Plastic Surgery", approved by order of the Ministry of Health. You should also pay attention to the documents confirming the current certification of the surgeon. Need to know the status of the clinic, whether it has a sufficient level of funding to acquire high -quality equipment, and whether the medical institution has experience in performing the required procedures and illustrative sample photos. It is reasonable that the institution has been functioning for more than a year: if the history of the clinic is long, then this indicates that patients (and regulatory authorities) have formed a trusting attitude towards this medical institution.
An important selection criterion is the wide range of services provided and an integrated approach to solving patients ’aesthetic problems in one place: from diagnostic measures to plastic surgery and professional cosmetology.